Welcome to Sawston Youth Group Explorers

What is Explorers!!

SYG Explorers is a group for young people in school years 1-2 (Age 5-7yrs).
We meet on Monday evenings (during term time) in the Marven Centre at Sawston Village College, at 6.30pm – 7.30pm.

What do we do!
A typical term from 
September to April consists of a structured weekly programme, activities may include: crafts, projects, guest speakers, team building, life skills, bowling, disco and carol service to name a few. 

The programme is never the same, with newactivities each term. 
May – July is the time for us to enjoy the summer weather and embark on a range of outdoor activities, these may include: punting, wide games, laser tag, BBQ and canoeing/kayaking.

The motto of SYG is to provide opportunities for young people and we strive to do this through a varied weekly programme along with many additional activities.